Edra Sage Sacred Tantric Massage Therapist

Meet the quintessential massage therapist at Vitzrovia Central London! With my effervescent nature and big hearted sincerity, my warm smile and gentle attentions should put you right at ease. Giving and receiving pleasure has always felt more like a personal passion rather than a day job to me, and my sincere interest in you – your feelings, desires, and fantasies – shapes and shines through my sessions.

My foremost intention is always to create a space that is welcoming, permissive, and safe enough to allow you to open body and mind to the infinite possibilities of pleasure, and liberate your long-held desires. I particularly enjoy teaching discerning gentlemen how to hear, honour, and fulfil their partner, and the intimate dance that can ensue between us when you practice these new skills with me! Ultimately, my goal is to support you in finding courage, confidence, and creativity in your sexuality – as well as providing the intimacy you’ve been craving.

I have a wealth of experience, and have been a practicing Tantrika in New York, Europe, and my present home, London. My training spans the worlds of holistic health and sacred sexuality – and I also hold a Bachelor in Health Science , so I’m not afraid to bring my brainy side to work with me!

  • One Way Touch £120.00/hour
  • Mutual Touch or Kink £150.00/hour

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