Pro tips: Top ten timewaster tricks.
Post submitted by Yuki from Mayfair Escort Girls
Us working girls have lots of lovely clients. We also have lots of idiots calling and emailing us and wasting our time. Thankfully due to my experience, intuition and general East End ‘I take no shit’ attitude (yes, even submissives don’t take shit) I can weed out timewasters pretty quickly. They usually only get as far as a phonecall, very rare that I get an outcall booking that turns out to be a dud, sometimes an incall gets past as they are harder to monitor but I still have booking procedures in place to weed most out.
Anyway, here (in my experience) are the top ten timewasting practices. If you are a new working girl take heed, and if you are a timewaster, we are on to you.
- Getting you to go into tiny descriptions of what to wear, wanting to talk about sexual practises in detail, what you look like to excess (height, size, shoe size, breast size…). I can usually tell within 1 minute if someone is genuine. This is why I have every detail on my website and why I direct people back to it. Some guys who are new or nervous do rattle on but you can ‘usually’ tell if they are genuine from the ones ‘sitting at home wanking themselves into a coma while you are talking’.
- The ‘my friend gave me your number so can you give me ALL of your details’ one. No, no he didn’t. What he means is he can’t be bothered to read your details or is just bored and wants to talk to a real live hooker. Don’t entertain him.
- The one who calls, puts the phone down then texts back straight away asking for details. I never quite understand this one but it happens a few times a month. Maybe they are shy? Or just dumbstruck at your beauty. Whatever, you don’t text back, do you? No.
- The ‘Hi, remember me, its ……., how are you’ text. Could be that it is a genuine customer but if it is then they usually know that you don’t reply to text messages. If you are unsure and don’t want to offend one simple text that says ‘Hi’, sorry I don’t recognise the name/number, please call me as I won’t answer anymore texts’ usually weeds out the genuine from knobheads.
- If you only take bookings from those who have landlines like me then guys who call up on a mobile and say they will ‘text or call back’ with there landline never do. Ever. Don’t take a booking from them if thats how you work, you’ll be wasting your time.
- The one who calls to book and doesn’t call back to confirm. I always. ALWAYS, get clients to confirm for incalls an hour or so before the booking (and I always call them for outcalls). If they don’t call the booking is cancelled, its as simple as that. Do you really want to be sitting around all afternoon in your stockings and suspenders when a guy has booked earlier and has no intention of showing? No, me neither.
- The ones who make a booking and saunter up well past their time. I detest lateness, is one of my pet hates, and I am very rarely late anywhere. But what I hate even more is when people don’t even bother to let you know if they are running late. Things come up; public transport is terrible (mostly), traffic can be a nightmare, but it doesnt take a minute to let you know if they are running late. I give people a 15 minute window, if they are more then 30 minutes late and they haven’t informed me I refuse to see them. You’re time is just as valid as theirs, don’t let them waste it.
- Excess email table tennis. If I havent taken a booking from someone I rarely send more then 3 emails. Online timewasters are just as prevelant as callers. Direct them to your site, and when replying to the first email ask them for all the details you need (time, date, how long, expenses etc) to cut down the likelyhood of an online timewaster. Don’t get caught up in chit chat if they haven’t booked. Once they have booked contact is at your discretion.
- Calling you a ‘clock watcher’. This one ALWAYS makes me chuckle. What this basically means is that you aren’t prepared to give them anymore time then they have paid for. Guys who generally post bookings on sites such as Adultwork and state ‘no clock watchers’ want extra time for no extra cash. They want your time for no extra pay. Clients of mine get what they pay for. I’ll stay the full time and if one wants to end a session early (usually because they are tired or, er, happy) then its at his request, not mine. Don’t feel pressured into given more then they have paid for unless you really want to.
- Getting you to talk for 45 minutes then getting the hump when you inform them that this is included in their time. My time starts when they money is handed over. Happy to have an initial chat before we get going but as soon as that money is in my palm thats when my time starts. If you suspect someone is new or trying it on gently hint at moving along so they don’t have any excuse to say they ‘didn’t know’.
Working girl rules, amen.